Thursday, April 24, 2008

"What is Homeowners Insurance?" - What You Should Know

Most of us are completely baffled and homeowners insurance policies to understand. Here& 39;s a brief guide to what homeowners insurance covers and how much insurance, homeowners insurance have.
what need?
homeowners insurance to cover the customer& 39;s home or personal property such as clothing, furniture, household appliances in the event that a fire, storms, explosions, vandalism or burglary. Also, you and your family for liability insurance to protect lawsuits.
how home to me about it?
to need to figure out how much insurance to cover your home, a good contractor is no square-foot cost of building the neighborhood, then multiply the figure of Times Square in your home video. Example: If, IT costs $ 175, per square foot to build a home for you and your family in the neighborhood of 1,800 square feet to the fire at home 315,000 U.S. dollars ($ 175 x 1800).
if need old home or custom home construction material different than the standard neighbor& 39;s house to the contractor to obtain the cost estimates to rebuild what may be the home.
if Living in flood-prone country or the hurricane and flood-prone areas must be obtained. Hurricane or no insurance cover for the standard of housing policy for damages caused by floods or personal property insurance hurricanes.
how much money is needed?
many depreciation policy to pay only the value of your personal property, rather than actual value, so please check your policy to pay replacement value for the full range of policies designed to limit expensive goods property.
homeowners Such as jewelry, furs, and to appreciate the work so later, a special need to obtain a recommendation known & quot; Ryder & quot; upside down, these items.
what For liability coverage?
many policy to provide minimum liability insurance coverage, 24 hours and 10 million dollars. If you do not have many assets, you lose it. However, if you have a substantial amount of assets you can increase the liability coverage and to buy an umbrella policy. Only costs about 50 dollars increase in annual compensation liability 100000 U.S. dollars to the dollar and 500000.
visit the following link to the rate of Compare the home owner& 39;s insurance company and from top rated - Save about how much you can. You can. Other tips to get car insurance check out & quot; Articles & quot; section.
the author, BURAIANSUTIBUNSU is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written articles for many homeowners Insurance.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Home Insurance UK: Security At Its Best

One of the dreams that people had in all ages was to have a home for themselves. A dream that always existed but was very difficult to fulfill. The changing times however, has simplified the matter a great deal. Things now are not as difficult as they used to be. In fact, emergence of several financial institutions mean that people today are in a much better position to own a house of themselves than those from a generation earlier. However, if one is to think that by owning a house one has scaled all the troubles than one can never be as wrong. Trouble has just started.
After fulfilling his dream of owning a home the next step that such lucky souls have to undertake is to get his dream possession protected. This is important because a house faces threat from such enemies like rain, lightning, flood, burglary, earthquake etc. It is very important that one has some security cover for his home, for any such calamity can leave it in a very bad shape and it would require a fortune to get it repaired. It is here that home insurance UK comes into effect and ensures that one is spared from the trauma of arranging for finances to get his home repaired by bearing all the expenses, with the concerned person not requiring to pay a single penny.
However, to gain maximum from home insurance one would do well to take care of a few things. One of which is to ensure that the policy comes to life as soon as it is signed, it should also be seen as to what are the calamities from which the house has been protected, one should also see that the house is priced fairly. In addition to all this one should never default on monthly premiums as well as never furnish any wrong information to the insurance companies.
If efforts like these are taken then one can be rest assured that Home Insurance UK would indeed go a long way in helping people out in the most trying of circumstances.
Allan Elvin is an MBA in Finance and has a rich experience of writing on topics related to finance. He professes special interest and expertise in Home Insurance UK and in guiding you on its various details.

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Home Insurance Coverage - What Do You Really Need?

You need home insurance coverage to protect both your home and your personal property. But home insurance can be expensive, and you don t want to purchase more coverage than you need. So how much home insurance coverage do you really need?
Protect Your Property
A typical homeowners insurance policy covers your home and your personal property against loss or damage by fire, theft, vandalism, and other causes. It includes:
* Your home, other structures on your property (such as a shed), and outdoor items such as trees, lawn furniture, and sprinkler systems.
* Personal property, such as clothing, furniture, electronics, and appliances. For your home, you need enough insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding your it at current construction costs.
To estimate this cost, multiply the square footage of your home by the building cost per square foot in your community. Then add in the cost of replacing any special features in your home, such as custom windows, arched doors, granite countertops, and crown molding. Do not include the cost of your land as you figure out your coverage limit.
To decide how much coverage you need for personal property, you need to do a home inventory, listing everything you own and how much it would cost to replace these items. Most policies automatically set coverage for personal property at 50% to 70% of your home insurance amount, but you can increase it if necessary.
Some types of personal property are only covered up to a specified amount. For example, jewelry may only be covered up to $1,000. Ask your insurance professional what types of personal property have specific limits so you can buy more coverage for these items if you need it.
Protect Yourself
Your homeowners policy also includes liability coverage, which protects you if someone is injured while on your property. Most homeowners insurance policies provide $100,000 worth of liability insurance, but you can buy more. You should buy enough liability insurance to protect your assets.
Visit or click on the following link to get home insurance coverage quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can also get more insurance tips there.
The authors, Brian Stevens and Stacey Schifferdecker, have spent 30 years in the insurance and finance industries, and have written a number of articles on home insurance coverage.

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Top Ten Tips To Save Money On Home Insurance

Want to save a bundle on your home insurance? Here are the top ten tips to save money on your home insurance.
1. Comparison shop - Comparison shopping is the number one way to save money on your home insurance. You can save $500 to $1,000 on your yearly premium simply by comparing rates from various insurance companies.
Go to a comparison website where you can get rate quotes from different companies, compare those quotes, then choose the best one. Some comparison sites even have insurance experts on call so you can get answers to your home insurance questions online. (See link below.)
2. Raise your deductible - Raising your deductible from $250 to $1,000 can save you up to 25% on your insurance premium.
3. Consolidate your insurance - Purchasing your home insurance and your auto insurance through the same company can save you as much as 30% on your insurance.
4. Install security devices - Installing dead-bolt locks, burglar alarms, window locks, and security lights can get you a good sized discount.
5. Install safety features - Most insurance companies give discounts if you have smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and sprinkler systems in your home.
6. Insure your home only - Make sure you are insuring your home and not your home and your land.
7. Stop smoking - Most insurers give discounts if everyone in your home is a non-smoker.
8. Get a senior discount - If you re 55 years or older you may be eligible for a senior discount.
9. Check your credit rating - Insurance companies now use credit reports to rate your risk factor. Check your credit report and have any invalid entries removed.
10. Ask for discounts - Some insurers will give you a discount if you re in the military, in law enforcement , are a single parent, or for a host of other reasons. Take advantage of all the discounts you re eligible for.
Visit or click on the following link to get insurance rate quotes from top homeowners insurance companies and see how much you can save. You can get more insurance tips in their Articles section.
The author, Brian Stevens, is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written extensively on tips to save money on your home insurance.

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